VR Rooms / VR Arcade

What is VR?
VR is the future.  The possibilities are endless, from shopping, gaming, education, entertainment, even online dating, and so much more.  VR will be in everyone's household. Most VR Systems require a high-end computer to run the various VR platforms like the  HTC Vive or the Oculus Rift. These two platforms by far are the best on the market today.
Get Wired has been in the VR market since day one. We build high-end computers that can run the VR system of choice.  There are so many options to consider. This is where the experience of Get Wired comes into play, from the space you intend to use, design, installation, set up, and education. Get Wired has the unique ability to hide all wires and come up with a seamless integration for your perfect VR Room.
Ideally, you will want a minimum 16' X 16' space. This space can be incorporated into existing rooms, such as media rooms, living rooms or even spare rooms. Get Wired can even set up displays and audio for guests to watch and share in the experience.
VR needs to be experienced, there are VR arcades out there now that charge $45 dollars an hour.  Why not call Get Wired to build you your own personal VR Room.
Have you ever watched Star Track The Next Generation?  VR is like having your very own holodeck.
Don't strap a phone to your face, let Get Wired build you a VR room.  It's an experience you will never forget. Quality VR requires 91 FPS per eye, this is why it is important to build the right computer for the job.
VR is being used at university's, by professional sports, artists, gamers, and designers.  The possibilities are endless. This is the future and Get Wired can build, install, and maintain a system for you. We have the experience and expertise to make it a seamless addition to your home or office.